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    Eve Cork Blog — Vegan

    Eve Cork: A Double Certification Triumph with FSC and PETA Approval

    In the world of sustainable fashion, Eve Cork shines as a trailblazer, proudly wearing the badges of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification and PETA approval. Let's uncover the facts behind Eve Cork's commitment to responsible sourcing and cruelty-free practices.

    FSC Certification: Respecting Nature, Preserving Cork

    Eve Cork's commitment to FSC certification ensures that every handbag and wallet is crafted with a deep respect for nature. FSC certification signifies responsible cork harvesting, promoting biodiversity, and preserving the delicate balance of forest ecosystems. Eve Cork's use of FSC-certified cork guarantees that your accessory is a testament to sustainable and environmentally conscious practices.

    PETA Approval: A Testament to Cruelty-Free Fashion

    Eve Cork stands as a PETA-approved brand, a recognition earned through a steadfast commitment to cruelty-free fashion. This approval verifies that no animals are harmed or used in the production of Eve Cork's accessories. With PETA's stamp of approval, Eve Cork takes a firm stance against animal cruelty, offering consumers a guilt-free and compassionate choice.

    A Choice for a Better Future: Your Impact

    By choosing Eve Cork, you're not just acquiring a fashion accessory; you're making a conscious decision for a better future. Your purchase supports ethical practices, responsible sourcing, and cruelty-free fashion. Eve Cork empowers consumers to align their values with their style, making a positive impact on both fashion trends and the well-being of our planet.

    The Dual-Certified Legacy: Today and Tomorrow

    Eve Cork's commitment to FSC and PETA Approval is more than a statement; it's a legacy. As you explore Eve Cork's collection, know that each piece tells a story of sustainability, cruelty-free practices, and the embrace of a vegan lifestyle. Eve Cork stands firm in its mission to redefine fashion, where elegance meets ethics.

    Eve Cork: Where Every Accessory Is a Symphony of Sustainable Sourcing and Compassionate Fashion.

    Is Cork Really Eco-Friendly?

    Is Cork Really Eco-Friendly?

    We get a lot of questions and comments surrounding the topic of cork, and whether or not it is really an eco-friendly and sustainable material to be used in the production of our vegan bags. Many people think that cork is not a sustainable material however, we are here to tell you otherwise!

    In the world of fashion and product production, cork is one of the most eco-friendly materials on the planet. It's an amazing alternative to materials like leather, plastic, and canvas!

    Cork is harvested from the bark of the cork tree, meaning that the tree will continue to live and grow while we use its outer layers to produce our bags. The harvesting process doesn't start until a cork tree is 25 years old, and is then harvested every nine to ten years. This actually allows the trees to continue growing for up to 250 years!  

    As the cork tree continues to mature and go through harvest, the tree is able to absorb more CO2 to aid in its bark regeneration. As a result, our harvested trees will filter three to five times more CO2 than those left untouched. So if you want cleaner air, keep buying cork bags!

    Aside from cork being eco-friendly and great for the environment, the premium cork fabric we use is lightweight, waterproof, and super durable - making it the perfect material for our cork handbags.

    So if you thought cork wasn't an eco-friendly option, think again. Our mission is to provide sustainable products that people love. It's the reason why we started this company!

    Father's Day Gift Ideas

    Father's Day Gift Ideas

    With Father’s Day coming up, it’s time to show your dad (or dads) some Father’s Day love by treating them to some extra special gifts and activities! A great dad deserves a great present, but sometimes dads can be hard to shop for. They are picky, and if they see something they like, they usually buy it themselves. So what do you get your dad for Father’s Day? Well have no fear, the master list of gift ideas for Dad is right here! We are going to share with you some of our top picks for gifts for Dad this year and some bonus activities you can do with him this Father’s Day!

    For the Clean Shaven Dad:

    For the dads out there who love a clean shave and deserve an indulgent little morning routine, Harry's Winston Shave set is the perfect solution for Father’s Day! Not only is it practical, but with the option to engrave the kit and personalize it makes it extremely thoughtful as well! Lots of men are still using disposable razors, so why not treat your dad to some nice new tools?


    For the Tech Savvy dad:

    Smart Speakers are all the rage now, so why not treat your dad to an Amazon Echo, or the echo dot? Not only can he use it to tell him the weather, give him news and sports updates and play music, but he can also use it as his office companion to talk to while he misses you at work! Smart speakers or any other speakers are a great functional gift for those tech dads.

    For the traveling dad:

    If you have a dad that travels a lot for work, he probably is constantly on the go, shoving things into his bags last minute and lugging his suitcase around. Why not treat dad this year to an amazing new duffle bag that is not only high quality but cruelty-free and ethically made? The Preston Duffle bag from Eve Cork is an excellent way to show your dad some love and have him think of you while he’s on his trips. 


    For the professional dad:

    In addition to a cork duffle bag or cork messenger, all dad's a good quality belt don’t they? So why not give him the gift of a beautifully ethically sourced vegan belt? Truth belts is an amazing company that offers an amazing array of belts that are great for the planet and your dad’s pants.

    For the spicy dad:

    Why deprive dad of making his very own hot sauce? That’s right, the uncommon goods Make your own Hot sauce kit is an amazing gift for dads who just can’t get enough heat!


    For the over-caffeinated dads 

    Is coffee running through your dad’s veins? If so, why not treat him to a beautiful stainless steel French press from Williams Sonoma this year. Whether he sees coffee as a necessity or a luxury, this French press will definitely amp up his morning coffee game. For a more affordable option, try this one!

    For the Boozy-beer-drinkin’ dad

    Why not a beer making kit? While beer can also make a great gift, why not have him make his own beer and enjoy the process of creating his own specialty beer? Not only is it a fun experience for him, but you can join in on the fun and bond with your dad while making the beer together!

    For the caffeinated and boozy dad:

    Why not combine both your dad’s love for booze and coffee with some bourbon infused coffee? Not only is it a uniques gift, but its definitely something he would never think of buying for himself. It’s the coffee he never knew he needed, but once he has it, he will love it.


    For the dad you can never figure out:

    You can never have too many socks…right? I have been telling myself that every year for the last 15 years, as I get my dad socks for every holiday and occasion because he is so hard to shop for! So why not get him another set of some fun patterned socks? This gift set by Happy Socks is the perfect Father’s Day set for you dad!

    For the cheesy sentimental dad:

    Most of us have some cheesy lovey dads who love personalized silly gifts for father’s day, so let’s feed into their love for your love and get dad a personalized coupon book for father’s day? You could always make the coupons yourself, but this Etsy seller creates custom coupon books for dad that look a lot more refined at an affordable price! Gift dad with the choice of a free lawn manicure, dinner made by you, a nap on the couch, you name it, it can be done!

    Now that you have some great gift ideas, you have to have some great activities planned for dad!

    • Take him on an outdoor adventure. Whether its a long hike, a bike ride, or some white water rafting, dad will love to spend time with you while doing some awesome activities!
    • Take him on a picnic. Dad’s love when their kids put thoughtful activities together, and a picnic is the perfect way to get outside and celebrate dad with some delicious sandwiches and snacks, without breaking the bank!
    • Take him golfing. Most dads love golf, don’t they? If yours does, take him for a game of golf and enjoy the day in the sun on the course!
    • Take him to dinner. Original right? Well he will still love celebrating himself out at dinner, bonus points if it’s his favourite restaurant!
    • Take him to the movies. If there’s a movie out your dad has been dying to see, take him to see it and spend the afternoon or evening in the theatre sharing popcorn, candy and enjoying a good flick.

    The possibilities are endless this year for Father’s day so get creative, get inspired, and show your dad how much you love him! Let us know what you did this Father’s day and tag us on instagram if you get any of our suggested products on the list!